Akira Update - As those of you following know

akira and me

Akira Update: As those of you following Akira's healing journey have seen lately, I've not been posting as much as we've continued to deal with crisis after crisis with Akira's post-surgery issues.

Since her amputation on 9/6 we've had challenges supporting Akira with pain management, drug addiction, and now we are faced with severe anxiety and depression of the loss of her leg.

I believe we've finally gotten a handle on the physical pain management and she IS healing, thankfully.

*****It breaks my heart to see her suffer - beyond words really, but instead of dwell on it with you I have a request for support from San Diego friends.******

What we are looking for........Support for Akira

I am putting out inquiries about finding someone who could be a rehab assistant/behavorioral therapist/dog trainer who works with amputees and is understanding of dog behavior in the San Diego area.

Someone who understands the effects of losing her leg and the emotional, physical, and mental aftermath. She specifically needs to rebuild physical and mental confidence, that is the fear she's experiencing and causing extreme anxiety.

We have been using a pet/medical intuitive for some time and she is the one who suggested at this phase to find someone that can be there for her in what she has described as feeling "lost and disoriented."

Do you have any suggestions?? If so, please either post below or send a PM.

I'd be eternally grateful. She is a family member, soul mate, and I won't give up on her...unless she specifically says she doesn't want to be here anymore. And you cannot put a price on life. Period.

Given what she's been through she has continued to choose to stay (from many conversations with Akira and the intuitive). And she has had many challenging times to make that exit. It is not her time and given how far we've come with pain management and healing, we have this final challenge to overcome.


Here's some behind the scenes insight of Akira at this time:

We experience her as sleeping very very little (thus we haven't been for months either), pacing, panting, and literally climbing walls often times from 11 pm - 7 am straight. Now this anxiety has extended into the day time as well, and really taking a toll on her (and us).

Her anxiety is off the charts and we have just gotten a prescription for Prozac yesterday. Having said that, we do feel she needs some emotional support beyond what we can provide.

Akira is a highly sensitive dog and while this has been a blessing through out her life, this surgery and the post-trauma (ptsd-like) of not being able to manage the pain for months and the grief of losing her leg has her depressed, anxious, and lost. Please, if you have any suggestions on referrals OR where I can post to ask others for referrals I would be so grateful.


Nov 26, 2016